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PLI is devoted to empowering leaders for wider influence for the sake of the gospel in their communities and effective leadership in their ministries. Learn more about our vision and process here.


Life is better connected. Connect with others to experience life-giving community and build authentic relationships. We have several learning communities. Find the best fit for you.


We provide a number of resources and materials to educate both our participants and the general public on effective leadership principles.


Interested in how PLI can impact your ministry? We'd love to get to know you and learn how we can empower your ministry.

Missional Leader

New eyes for the new world.

Learning Community icon

PLI’s Missional Leader Learning Community is a safe, productive place to receive accountability and encouragement to become an effective missional leader.

“Can you imagine your church being a place where discipling relationships and new believers are the norm and not the exception; where more and more Jesus-followers are recognizing the Kingdom of God and responding to Jesus? PLI is uniquely positioned to give you the skills and the focused support to navigate and nurture the kind of environment that multiplies missional leadership in your church.” Jeff Meyer, Missional Leader Coach

What does it look like for you to joyfully partner with God in what He’s doing? What in your life would you invite others to imitate for the sake of God’s Kingdom? As a ministry, what are you doing well right now that could be leveraged to help you move one step closer to being a missional church?

As Jesus followers have we have allowed mission trips and programs to check the “missional box”. We have depended on sermons and classes to get people to reach out and live on mission. In this learning community husbands and wives learn together as their own unique team and explore their personal faith and discipleship understanding and then invite others to join them.

The Learning Community Journey

Your Learning Community journey with PLI lasts two years and includes a total of four immersions lasting four days each. The immersions occur twice a year (approximately every six months).

At the end of every immersion experience, you will leave with an actionable six-month plan to achieve your Spirit-led goals.

The immersion and coaching experience provide accountability and encouragement so you can build a culture of mission in your personal life and faith community.

Click on each immersions below to learn more.

I am seeking to:


 curiosity about what God is doing in my life, my neighbors’ lives, in my community, and in my world.


 what it means to be a “missional” leader in today’s cultural context.


 and articulate vision


 change for the sake of the mission


 teams of people for that mission


 and gently lead

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Missional Exploration

Understand your personal and baptismal identity in Christ as the springboard for healthy leadership. Explore your role as “chief advocate” for those who are far from God. Uncover the skills of seeking and listening as we stir a curiosity of what God is doing in your life, in your neighbors’ lives, in your community and in your world.

Missional Living

Tackle the greatest leadership challenge in the church, embodying the mission. Explore the concept of a personal response to Jesus from a perspective of grace. Experience the joy in joining God in what He’s doing. You will understand the power of personal response and the impact this has on creating a contagious missional life.

Missional Catalyst

As a missional leader, you will discover what it means to be a catalyst in every facet of your life. You will be challenged to consider: What in your life would you invite others to imitate for the sake of the Kingdom? Who would you willingly invite to get close enough to you so they could observe how you follow Jesus? Along the way, we will discover the richness of inviting others to imitate us and how it has power to multiply believers.  

Missional Church

This module explores how to create a movement. You will examine how to lead change and move your people from organization to organism. You will discover how to use story to lead change in your role as Master Storyteller. We will reassert the power of the Word to do the work in transforming our churches into places where believers seek Jesus and listen to Him. You will leave the immersion with an 18-month Spirit-led plan unique to your context.

This Learning Community Includes

2 year learning community with a total of 4 immersions 

Pastor and spouse, and other couples, learn together as their own unique “team”

Ongoing coaching between immersions

Bi-weekly Community Groups back home

Gifted, experienced teachers and trainers


Missional Leader Fact Sheet

Missional Leader Immersion Sheet

Learn More


The cost is $3,500 per couple, per year

Reserve your spot with a $200 registration fee


Not Covered


